Showing fanlistings under the Animation category...
Lilo & Stitch (Animation)
94 members from 19 countries
Lilo & Stitch is one of my favorite movies. I adore it so much. It's just a great movie.
Anyone Can Cook
Ratatouille (Animation)
87 members from 27 countries
Ratatouille is one of my favorite Pixar movies. I just love the story and the characters. Especially Remy - he's adorable!
WALL-E: WALL-E (Animation)
126 members from 26 countries
How can anyone not love WALL•E? I adore him immensely. He melts me into a puddle of goo and leaves me squeeing helplessly. He's so squishy!
All That Love's About
WALL-E: WALL-E and EVE (Animation)
90 members from 24 countries
WALL•E and EVE have instantly become one of my very favorite pairings.
I love them so much. They are so adorable. They just melt my heart. WALL•E and EVE are my Squishy Robot OTP!Go back?
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