Welcome to fairyland, Brittany's fanlisting collective
Joined: 268 with 10 pending
Owned: 50 with 0 upcoming
Total Fans: 2146 with 33 pending
August 18, 2021
The Synthesis and Moroha fanlistings are now open! Also, I'm now hosted by Buruma!
June 20, 2021
Getting back into fanlistings! Although I've kept my fanlistings updated over the years, it's been a while since I've done much else. For the past two years, I've been hosted by CandyRain, and I'm now working on updating my info on my joined fanlistings, joining more fanlistings, performing cleanup on my fanlistings, and opening new fanlistings - starting with a TFL approval for my favorite Evanescence album, Synthesis, as well as a TAFL approval for Inuyasha and Kagome's perfect daughter, Moroha!
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