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Showing fanlistings under the Anime/Manga: Music & Songs category...

Black Tears
Black Tears
ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi' NANA (BLACK STONES): Kuroi Namida (Anime/Manga: Music & Songs, Songs: Female Solo)
25 members from 12 countries
I've loved this song from the first time I heard just a short clip of it. It's so sad, and Anna's voice brings that emotion out perfectly.

Keep Going On
Keep Going On
ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi' NANA (BLACK STONES): LUCY (Anime/Manga: Music & Songs, Songs: Female Solo)
21 members from 12 countries
LUCY is such a fun song. It's the type of song you just can't help singing and dancing along to. I always feel good when listening to it. And I think it fits perfectly as a BLAST song.

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