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Showing fanlistings under the Games category...

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series (Games)
55 members from 17 countries
Mystery Dungeon has become my all-time favorite game series. The story is so incredible. I've never had a video game move me so much emotionally the way the Mystery Dungeon games do.

Pokémon: Cherubi (Anime/Manga: Characters, Games)
29 members from 12 countries
I love Cherubi. It's soooo cute. It has an adorable name, too. It just looks so sweet and yummy.

Prince of the Sea
Prince of the Sea
Pokémon: Manaphy (Anime/Manga: Characters, Games)
34 members from 13 countries
Ever since Manaphy was first revealed, I've been in love with its adorableness! Its role in Mystery Dungeon: Time & Darkness made me love it even more. It's soooooo cute!

Pokémon: Mew (Anime/Manga: Characters, Games)
117 members from 26 countries
Mew is adorable. I've loved it since seeing the first movie way back when. I even messed up my Blue version cloning it from a friend's game. But I think it was worth it to have Mew!

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